It seems like whenever I get back from a training week I enter into this world of self-reflection. A world where I consider exactly why I do the things that I do. A world where I feel like I could read quotes for an entire day straight and think about how all the different words of wisdom that people share relate to me. The quote, “we cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are,” really stuck out to me as I read it over and over again. The middle school where I work is going through drastic changes in our Language Arts programs. As the literacy coach responsible for assisting teachers in taking on the Literacy Collaborative framework as a way of meeting the CCSS, I sometimes feel that change gets pushed too hard and too fast. But when I read the quote, I couldn’t agree with it more. Change is uncomfortable, change is hard, change sometimes feels a lot like failure again and again and again until it eats at your core and makes you question every part of your whole being, but I do believe that we do not meet our goals and accomplish what we want for our students by remaining the same. We cannot expect to do the same practices that we have done in the past and receive a different result. In order for change to work, we must all be dedicated to all parts of the change and let go of what we once were to become what we want to be.