

Grammar / Vocabulary

Interactive Reading Log for Middle School

Being the literacy coach at our middle school that houses 5th-8th graders, I feel like I get to see the big picture in literacy education for this age range.  All teachers at my middle school use some sort of a reading log, but every grade level has a different variation.  At Professional Development class with all of the 5-8 Language Arts teachers on Wednesday night, we had a great conversation about the pros and cons of reading logs.  The conversation really got me thinking and gave me inspiration to create a reading log that would be a great communication tool between parents, teachers, and students and go beyond the basic reading log that parents could sign off on.  The product that I created sets students up to have conversations about their reading with their parents on a daily basis, as well as do a quick response to their reading each night.  The interactive reading prompts that I created meet the Common Core State Standards for literary and informational texts and will get students engaged and thinking about their reading.  The recommended reading minilessons to compliment the reading log will get your students to understand their reading and learn how to respond to it.  I am SO excited to introduce this product.  Please take a look and ask me if you have any questions about it!  By the end of the weekend I will have one prepared for grade levels 5-8!


Grab my FREE literature circle resource!

Are you looking to start or enhance literature circles in your classroom? This literature circles resource will offer ideas from how to organize literature circles to how to get students having rich text discussions.