

Grammar / Vocabulary

What Standards Based Grading Actually Looks Like in My Classroom and How I Implemented It

Experts in education are really great at telling teachers what to do. They sell us on an educational theory and get us all excited them. For example, you may read a professional development book, article, or attend a conference and walk away thinking, “I’m going to do that!” But then you get back to your classroom, sit down to plan how you’re going to implement the amazing idea/theory you heard and think, “Wait a minute! I love that idea, but I have no idea what this would actually look like on a daily basis in my classroom or how I would go about implementing this idea.” Today I’m departing from my traditional written blog post to bring you a 30-minute YouTube video I made explaining exactly what Standards Based Grading looks like in my classroom and the process my school went through when we implemented Standards Based Grading. I include practical examples and real-life, no-nonsense advice along the way. I hope it is helpful to you if you’re wanting to implement Standards Based Grading and Learning in your middle school LA/reading/writing classroom!

Click here to access the YouTube video.

Click here to access the Google Slides presentation and links I went over in the video.

Grab my FREE literature circle resource!

Are you looking to start or enhance literature circles in your classroom? This literature circles resource will offer ideas from how to organize literature circles to how to get students having rich text discussions.